Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Sobering Look at Drilling for Gas in the Marcellus Shale

"We have everything to lose," said Tracy Carluccio, deputy director of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network. Speaking at a presentation Wednesday night at the Lower Delaware River Wild and Scenic Management Committee's quarterly meeting, Carluccio laid out sobering reports of how natural gas drilling companies continue to ravage natural resources and wreak havoc in communities across the country.
Poisoned water wells, crumbling roads, toxic streams and rivers, 24 hour construction, miles of gas pipelines, polluted air and higher cancer rates are just some of what to expect when drillers take over, prompting the question: Is this an environmentally responsible fuel?
Noting that just one natural gas well site requires 1,400 trucks, each holding 6,000 gallon water tanks, to supply and dispose of water involved in extracting the gas trapped thousands of feet below ground in tight shale formations, and questioning where all this water will come from, Carluccio and wild and scenic members are pushing legislators to buckle down on regulation, and not cave under pressure, in a time when most federal and state lawmakers are easing restrictions and hailing the natural gas boom as a ticket out of recession and foreign oil dependence.

She emphasized that natural gas harvested from the massive Marcellus Shale formation, which promises to supply enough energy for the entire nation for generations, won't necessarily stay within our borders.

"There is a very slick campaign about energy independence going on, but there is no law that you have to use this natural gas here," she said.
Warning that communities could be destroyed under the slogan of energy independence, and that gas companies are solely after large profits at the expense of natural resources. Carluccio told of plans to sell the gas to eastern European nations struggling to get enough fuel from Russia.
"This is clear and simple exportation of a natural resource for someone's bottom line."
For the complete story,

1 comment:

  1. As a young boy growing up in suburbia, I remember watching cartoons on Saturday mornings. The most vivid thing I recall from countless hours of mind dumbing cartoons was the Native American Indian sitting atop a horse with a single tear running down his face. (For those of you not old enough to recall this, I believe this was the first public broadcast about our environment the impacts of pollution) I wonder what that public broadcast would look like today?



Natural gas development in Colorado, the impacts on communities, environment and public health. A primer for public servants and residents of counties that care for their lifestyles.

Drilling for Gas in Bradford County, PA ... Listen!

Cattle Drinking Drilling Waste!

EPA... FDA... Hello? How many different ways are we going to have to eat this? ... Thank you TXSharon for all you do! ... Stay tuned in at


A film by Txsharon. Thank you Sharon for all you do. Click HERE to read the complete article on Bluedaze: Landfarms: Spreading Toxic Drilling Waste on Farmland

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