Friday, April 3, 2009


DEP Declares Dimock Water NOT Tainted by Gas Drilling Activities

APRIL 1: Dozens of water samples collected in D
imock show no indication of being tainted from gas well hydro-fracturing activity, according to the Department of Environmental Protection.
However, just a few weeks ago, the DEP announced that drilling by a natural gas extraction company, Cabot Oil & Gas Corp., caused methane contamination in private water wells.

Hydraulic Fracture: Precise or Imprecise? Txsharon's incriminatingly important post on Bluedaze Wednesday, presents us with examples of just exactly the kind of double speak that succeeded in Nazi Germany.

Care for a glass of water?
(Pflege für ein Glas Wasser Herr Hanger?)

Contraditions follow:
"These are surgical operations utilizing the most advanced drilling technology known to man," Tom Price Jr., senior vice president of Chesapeake Energy, told state lawmakers in Albany at a recent hearing.
And yet...
From Halliburton’s Manual for the Independent Operator:

“An improperly designed or poorly performed stimulation treatment can allow a hydraulic fracture to enter a water zone.”
Facts point to the fact that fracture stimulation isn’t a precise science.

How long are we going to allow our government to accept and acquiesce to industry deceptions?
Who can honestly say they aren't at least a teeny weeny bit worried about the safety of our drinking water? Is John Hanger willing to drink the water (pictured above) that's causing projectile vomiting and hair loss?
Can we believe DEP? How does anyone lose credibility?
Who are we to believe?
A good place to start would be with the people whose first hand experiences of all manner of suffering bear testimony to the consequences of hydro-fracking for gas being performed all across our country. This isn't drilling for energy independence (gas is going overseas), or in the interest of a cleaner environment, because this kind of drilling is dirty business every step of the way; it's just drilling without regard for anything but maximum profit. There are drillers and profiteers; then there's the rest of us... the victims. You be the judge:
Check out the DON'T MISS links in the sidebar. See the videos below.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a report from 2006 about the accomplishments of the PA DEP:

    Here is an excerpt:

    "Governor Edward G. Rendell has charged the Department of Environmental Protection with turning Pennsylvania’s environmental challenges into economic opportunities. Under this innovative leadership, Pennsylvania is protecting its citizens and the environment, revitalizing communities, and developing a clean energy future that has translated into more jobs and substantial investment in the commonwealth. More homegrown energy also reduces our dependence on foreign energy, enhancing our security and keeping energy dollars close to home."

    I believe that the PA DEP focuses a lot more on energy development (gas drilling) than environmental protection. How can one agency do both effectively? And with the current scarcity of funds, the DEP is consolidating departments and expecting less people to do more work. Accountability will go out the window.



Natural gas development in Colorado, the impacts on communities, environment and public health. A primer for public servants and residents of counties that care for their lifestyles.

Drilling for Gas in Bradford County, PA ... Listen!

Cattle Drinking Drilling Waste!

EPA... FDA... Hello? How many different ways are we going to have to eat this? ... Thank you TXSharon for all you do! ... Stay tuned in at


A film by Txsharon. Thank you Sharon for all you do. Click HERE to read the complete article on Bluedaze: Landfarms: Spreading Toxic Drilling Waste on Farmland

SkyTruth: Upper Green River Valley - A View From Above