On May 5th Splashdown! reported properties in the Plank Road vicinity of Towanda, PA. with new above ground water tanks sitting in their yards... replacing what must be wells whose water has become contaminated. Reports of this situation did not appear in local papers.
Here now are additional recently installed replacement water tanks, and evidence of a newly drilled well... this time in the area around Spring Lake, where drilling is also going on, with roads torn up and closed.
(Note on post reads: To Chesapeake, Do not take any water from the well. J.T. Place)
Finally... why is the Bradford County Council on the Arts (BCRAC) unwilling to show the award-winning documentary "GASLAND" to the people of Bradford County? Invited repeatedly, the film was termed "unbalanced" and filled with "scare tactics" by Brooks Eldredge-Martin, the art council's executive director, who ruled the film therefore unsuitable, depriving the people of Bradford County of the ability to make up their own minds about the film!
Aside from the fact that this raises a lot of issues, fortunately "GASLAND" will be shown in Montrose, Elmira and Ithaca (see the Announcements sidebar) and has recently been screened in Williamsport, where approximately 1000 people turned out to see it. In each case, filmmaker, Josh Fox is there to answer questions from the audience...
Splashdown- Superb sleuthing! This is an unconscionable situation. Imagine not even being willing to show "Gasland!" Someone must be worried that people might learn something new and make better decisions. Eldredge-Martin is immediately suspect in my opinion! Is there any way possible to find out how many properties have the water buffaloes? Can people get information legally from the courthouse in Towanda? Thanks for your relentless surveillance! What would we do without it? Do you need any help? I'll come!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen is Bradford County going to wake up? More cases of contaminated water cropping up throughout the County and no one willing to report a thing. As for Mr. Brooks unwillingness to show "Gasland", this speaks volumes as to where the Arts Council stands. The Council cares more for the dollars donated by our "Good Neighbors" Chesapeake Energy than they do for the long time residents of Bradford County. Wake up Bradford County residents, as far as the Arts Council (and your County Commissioners, Township supervisors, DEP, EPA, etc.) is concerned you aren't worth jepardizing losing another $25,000 donation. Thank the good Lord someone in this County is willing to post the Truth. Thanks Splash!
ReplyDeleteالعزل المائي يُعتبر العزل المائي من الأساليب المُبتكرة لمعالجة ما يُسمّى بالتسرّب المائي الذي يحدث نتيجة انفجار
ReplyDeleteأو تلف مواسير المياه الممدودة داخل العقارات المختلفة سواءً في المباني السكنية، أم الفنادق، أم المستشفيات.
من المهم جداً معالجة التسرب المائي لأنّه يتسبب في ضعف وتَفتت الباطون ممّا يؤدي إلى انهياره، وتآكل الحديد أو أي هيكلٍ معدني، ويسبب أيضاً انفصال الجدران عن البناء، وتشويه المنظر العام بظهور البقع الصفراء على السطح الخارجي، ونمو البكتيريا والطحالب، وتلف البلاط بانفصاله عن الأرضيات، وتلف وتشويه الدّهان والطّلاء الدّاخلي للجدار، وبعد التّعرف على سلبيات التّسرب المائي سنجد أن أكثر الأماكن التي تعاني من هذه المشكلة هي الحمامات.
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